Personal Finance is a skill that your students will use on a daily basis for the rest of their lives! This course is a fun, engaging, and hands-on approach to learning how to steward and manage money well. Students will begin to strategize how to use money through role-playing real-life choices, like investing in higher education, having children, and more. Students will also discover the financial cost of divorce and other challenges including layoffs and other unforeseen events.
This course focuses on three key areas of Personal Finance:
- How to make wise money choices now
- How to make wise money choices in the future
- How to prepare for financial independence
Lessons Included in Personal Finance:
- College and Careers
- Budgeting
- Car Purchase Apartment Rental
- Spouse Selection
- Credit Cards and Interest
- Baby & Payroll
- House Purchase
- Insurance
- School Choice
- Investments,
- Business Basics
- Layoffs and Reconciliations
- Income Tax
- The Dangers of Divorce
- Retirement
This class will discuss difficult issues like layoffs and divorce. And while everyone says it won’t happen to them, the statistics say that 43% of American workers will be laid off at least once during their working years and 42-45% of all first-time marriages will end in divorce. Understanding the financial costs of life decisions is the hallmark of this course. Think “Money Make-over” meets the Game of Life.
The benefit to your students is that they get to play the game at this point without high risks. This is a Personal Finance Course that is unique, hands-on, and engaging!
Pair Personal Finance with Caeer Exploration, Entrepreneurship, and Economics, or any of our other fantastic Senior High Courses for a robust year of learning.
Semester Course – 1/2 Credit: The class will be taught and graded by your True North Online Academy teacher. The coursework your child will complete in this high school level course is equal to one credit hour which may be awarded by your homeschool upon completion of the course. If you would like help determining your students’ credits or creating a transcript, check out our Academic Advising.
Required Materials: Beyond Personal Finance, other materials TBA
LK | Homeschool Mom –
I really enjoyed the course! I think you have done a fantastic job!” LK
Abigail P. –
I loved this class so much! It was one of my favorites all through
high school. I’ve always been curious about how all of it works, and
the resources all laid it out perfectly, and it was so simple and easy
to understand, and yet didn’t feel child-like. I would recommend this
class to all my high school friends struggling with understanding how
to take care of their finances!