Why True North Homeschool Academy?


Judeo-Christian Principals: we are people of the book. Courses and teachers are Word driven and Word inspired. We are committed to these values.


Our team consists of experienced educators dedicated to bringing quality academics and their passion for the subject to each class.


Our quality online homeschool classes utilize current educational trends, while at the same time adhering to time tested academic pedagogy.

The True North Homeschool Academy Story

by Lisa Nehring

Our family began homeschooling in 1991 as a result of two things: my writing a Master’s Thesis on “Why Parents Homeschool” and living in Los Angeles.

My literature review for the thesis focused on the History of Education in America. Eye-opening? You can say that again! The government school system is not failing, it is doing exactly what it was intended to do: create “worker bees” for industrialists.

Government School Goals

The names have changed but the game remains the same. Are there some great public school programs out there and teachers dedicated to making sure kids succeed? Absolutely. But the system, my friends, the system itself has an internal problem that may not be solvable.

My review caused our family to resolve to seek out alternative forms of education for our kids. We wanted an education that addressed the whole person, not just the intellect or the social role of the student, but who they were as people with unique gifts and talents.

Our quest for this has taken on us on a crazy, quarter-century-long journey!

At the same time I was writing my thesis, we lived in Los Angeles. Visits to area elementary schools made apparent deep-seated system-wide challenges. As graduate students, we knew that we only had a year or two left before we’d be moving and so we decided to strike out as homeschoolers.

We Are “Sold” On Homeschooling

Postgraduate school garnered us a position in the military, which meant another couple of moves and by the time graduate school and our military commitments were completed we were sold on the freedom, flexibility, and fun of homeschooling.

Since then we have graduated four of our five kids. They have gone on to college, vo-tech school, military service, marriage, and entrepreneurship. Some received full-ride scholarships. Our kids have traveled the country – and sometimes out of it-  and have had amazing experiences because of the time and resources homeschooling has afforded us.

Our homeschooling journey has included; reading about a zillion great books, traveling the country and so many math curricula we have lost count!

Challenge Accepted!

Along the way, I have blogged, done hundreds of product and curriculum reviews, worked for large educational companies, brought national programs to our state, advised students from around the world, taught a plethora of subjects, spoken at conventions and written e-books.

When God provided an opportunity to start the True North Homeschool Academy, we gratefully accepted the challenge. TNHA was formerly HomeschoolWorks4U and we’ve been online for over a decade now!

At True North Homeschool Academy we are bringing more than twenty-five years of experience, a commitment to excellence, and our love of learning to bear as we hire teachers, choose curriculum and create programs.

Why Choose Online Classes With True North?

You have plenty of options that will teach your kids basic course material.

What makes us stand out from the crowd?

Excellent content delivery from passionate teachers but more importantly: the opportunity for each student to grow in skill, ability, and wisdom.

We’d love for you to join our ongoing story.

Education is the transmission of culture- and the culture we are imparting is one of truth, beauty, and goodness.

Isn’t it time you joined us in the journey, headed True North?

About the Founder/Director, Lisa Nehring: Lisa’s professional experience and education are extensive: M.A. Human Development, M.A. Marriage & Family Therapy. In addition to homeschooling, Lisa has worked as an Admissions Counselor, Administrator, Copywriter, Blogger, Academic Adviser, Teacher, Event Planner and Program Developer.


We believe that education is the transmission of culture. Our vision for our online homeschool classes includes course material and master teachers that reflect that vision.


Education is serious business, but there is joy to be found in conquering difficult tasks. Our goal is to assist each student in reaching their potential while nurturing a love of learning.


Ministry and military families are eligible to apply for a discount to our classes. Call or email for more information. A portion of all sales from this website goes to the ministry of  Blessing Bethlehem. 


Experience, Education, Vision.

Real Experiences. Real Relationships.

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