Are you ready to homeschool high school?

You may have already scoured the internet for help, asked all of your homeschool friends, joined all the Facebook groups, etc., but I hope to give you the confidence you need to get unstuck from research mode and start homeschooling high school.

Many people believe that, as parents, we lack the knowledge and skills to homeschool the high school years, but that may be holding you back.

If you’re struggling with the confidence you need to do the thing, this is the place for you.

Ready to dive into a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into what it takes to homeschool high school? Let’s do this thing.

Always Remember to Keep Things in Perspective

If you’ve been finding yourself overwhelmed at the thought of homeschooling high school, and consider yourself as less than the ideal person to do it…

Ask yourself, why do I think this way about my abilities to homeschool high school, and who benefits from my being stuck in that place of fear and overwhelm?

Let me assure you, it’s not your kids that benefit. It’s the educational system that counts on parents as outsiders to their children’s education. It’s that way by design.

So, of course, if you don’t have a teaching degree, or maybe a degree of any kind, you’re going to feel “less than” by comparison.

It doesn’t need to be this way, and I’ll share some stats with you to give you confidence.

And you just might find that with this confidence, most of the overwhelm in other areas take care of themselves.

My Quick Tips for Homeschool Teacher Mom Confidence

Let me start out by saying that, even with my background, I felt JUST LIKE YOU. I mean, c’mon! Who did I think I was homeschooling my kids? And high school? Forgetta’ ’bout it! So, how did I pivot? How did I get the gumption to do it? Here’s how:

I looked at my track record so far:

Honestly, making a to-done list regarding my own experience raising my children gave me a huge boost in confidence when deciding to homeschool high school.

  • Respect: We taught our children to respect us, one another, and people in general. We’d built a relationship with them.
  • Best Interests: I was their mom! Who else would have their very best interests at heart, both academically and spiritually? I’d managed walking, talking, and basic skills so far. I KNOW my kids like no one else.
  • Resources: This is not complicated (whew!). We had a computer, a library card, educational resources and so much more at our fingertips. One resource I didn’t need? $4800 per student to educate my children. Not even close. As in, nowhere near close!

This simple combination of respect, best interests, and resources was a real eye-opener to me. It gave me the confidence to do just one thing. Try.

How is your mindset regarding what’s truly needed to homeschool high school?

Don’t be afraid to simplify what you really need to make the choice. Perfection doesn’t exist anyway (at least not IRL homeschooling). Decide. Pivot when you need to.

Let go of the fear, put the work into your family, and trust God with the results.

Whatever works for you is what will work best for high school students. You’ve got this. 

Some Advice from IRL Homeschool Moms Who Homeschool High School

I like to shake it up with info from all over the web. My friend, Pam Barnhill of Your Morning Basket has some critical advice for you. She says the fear of homeschooling high school is a heartbreaker for her. Listen here.

Never Let Those Who Have Never Homeschooled High School Be Your Guide

Your great-grandma means well when she says, “You don’t have a degree! They’ll never get into college. You’ll ruin your life!”, but it’s another thing that’s holding you back.

Instead, look for experts like No That Hard to Homeschool for guidance.

When you’re running out of steam working on getting your mind around homeschooling high school, this quote from Anne Campbell may spur you on: 

“From the day you became a parent, you also became a teacher, and you are equipped to teach your child.”

You Do Need a Plan to Homeschool High School

Now, just because you currently don’t have a plan in place to homeschool high school, doesn’t mean you can’t get started right away.

This does mean you need to do some research before you can make a decision about a plan that’s right for you, but I am confident you can do it.

Let’s be specific in planning how you’ll get started homeschooling:

  • Step 1: A Personalized Learning Plan | This is just a fancy way of saying that you need to think about what your student already knows and what they need to learn. I’ve got a FREE one you can download right here.
  • Step 2: A Typical Course of Study | This goes hand-in-hand with the Personalized Learning Plan, and can help you fill in those blanks. Discover that here.
  • Step 3: List Your Resources | Pull out a piece of notebook paper and list all of the resources you currently have at your disposal. See how that can fit into Steps 1 and 2.

Because I know how important planning is, I put together this free until 10/31/23 (really free!) guide for you. Use it to build your confidence and create a high school experience for your students to be proud of. 

Click here to download Survive Homeschooling Through High School

Wrapping it up! 

I hope this has been helpful to you, and will give you the confidence to homeschool high school.

Did you follow any of the tips from this post? 

You are well on your way to homeschooling high school.

Be sure to join me in the Homeschooling Looks Like Tribe or the Not That Hard to Homeschool High School groups.

Remember, you can download my eBook Survive Homeschooling Through High School to help you get started right here.

I hope this post has been helpful!

Any questions? Comment below or shoot me a DM on Instagram and check out my favorite peeps.



PS. Get even MORE CONFIDENCE with my Don’t Panic! Plan! High School Boot Camp Challenge